Reporting Analysis

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As part of KDOHC Health and Safety service, we supply Health and Safety Reports.

It is a legal requirement for employers to monitor and review arrangements for managing occupational safety and health in the workplace. The generated reports table health and safety performance. It is also a useful document to keep Senior Management aware of health and safety aspects of their business and also recommendations as improvements are also proposed. Many organisations consider it wise to feed the reports into the Annual General Meeting.

Reporting Analysis

The primary focus of the Health and Safety reports is to pin-point and record health and safety performance against the comprehensive objectives set for health and safety by an organisation; such as reducing the number of incidents of occupational accidents and illnesses and creating an environment that is accident-free in the workplace. The Reports compliment and seek to improve the Health and Safety Corporate Plan.

Extensive coverage requires the development of three types of internal reports:
  • Emergency reports -these are useful in an event of Occupational Health fatalities or major outbreaks that impact on stakeholders or have the potential to lead to negative national publicity
  • Quarterly Reports – these provide regular information internally, including Health & Safety structures and precautions
  • Annual Reports – these intensively report on legal compliance, organisational compliance policies, objectives and plans for managing OH risks and many more aspects relating to OH

Maintaining an auditable and authentic records of information also facilitates future evaluations and assessments of the risks to health in a workplace.

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