Occupational Hygiene Risk

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KDOHC is at the forefront of the industry, our team of professionals assist in improving standards, entrench best practices, implement legislative requirements and promote safe and effective methods of hazardous material management. The expectation to manage and control hazardous materials is both legally and morally binding.

KDOHC consultants offer specialized expertise in environmental damage and remedy, environmental due diligence, toxicology and epidemiology, industrial hygiene, and human health and safety.
Our team is equipped to evaluate the extent of risk due to hazardous elements, and control those risks to prevent adverse effects that can result in ill-health in both the short term and long term.

mining industry

Our KDOHC Occupational Health & Hygiene team comprises of qualified science and engineering specialists to complement client needs and expectations in occupational hygiene, health and safety, toxicology, and environmental and human health risk assessment. We focus on issues directly relating to worker health, meeting community expectations, or ensuring that regulatory compliance is adhered to at all times.

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