Employee Personal Exposure Monitoring

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Workplace air monitoring is an important factor to inspect and identify substances which have the potential to be a threat to good health through oral consumption, inhalation or penetration through the skin.

The potential possibility of harm must be assessed and monitored, and the risk controlled as much as possibly can, whether solids, liquids, gases, vapours, dusts, fumes, spores or any other biological agents.

Employee Personal Exposure Monitoring

The main reason for monitoring air quality is to measure the exposure of workers to harmful substances in the workplace and therefore controlling measures be put in place. This allows a proper check to ascertain whether the company is compliant with the law and general health standards requirements and expectations. If a test shows that a substance exceeds a specific level according to obligations, then it should also provide detailed information for suitable control measures . More over this ensures to safeguard health and wellbeing of employees and prevent adverse financial implications for the company.

KDOHC health and safety professionals can assess and test the indoor air quality, and precisely identify where ventilation is lacking, our mechanical and electrical engineers are also capable of designing and managing the systems.

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can be a root cause of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) which can result in a wide range of symptoms for building occupants, including:

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